🚧 TrustCare | ​What Makes A Healthy Heart

​What Makes A Healthy Heart

in Risk Factors Treatment

Heart disease is generic term that covers a variety of conditions including atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, dilated vessels, and structural heart problems. Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States, but with some lifestyle changes many of these cases can be prevented.

Risk Factors for Heart Disease

There are several risk factors for developing heart disease, and having any one risk factor increases your chance of developing others. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and being overweight are all metabolic conditions that can be damaging to your heart. But lifestyle choices like smoking, drinking, eating a high fat diet, and a lack of exercise also increase your risk of heart disease. The more risk factors you have, the more likely you are to develop heart disease, so it is important to know your risk factors and talk with your doctor about your health.

What Can Be Done To Decrease Your Risk

First, if your blood pressure is elevated it is important to work with your doctor to find the right medication to keep it at or below 130/80. If blood work shows a higher than normal cholesterol you can try to lower it with diet and exercise. If that is not successful, talk to your doctor about other ways to lower your number. There is a blood test that can look at your average blood sugar for the last 2 or 3 months called a hemoglobin A1C. Your doctor can use this test to see if you are insulin resistant or diabetic. Being overweight puts you at a greater risk for high blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar. It is very important to reach and maintain a healthy weight to reduce your risk of heart disease.

What To Know

The doctors at TrustCare Heart Clinic are your allies in fighting heart disease. We can help you assess your current condition, look at your risk factors, and map out a plan for becoming heart healthy. Your heart is in your hands, so schedule an appointment for a heart screening today!

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