Blog: Screening
Just Checking: Understanding the Annual Physical
The annual checkup is probably one of the most overlooked, and most important things you can do for your health.
Read MoreWhat Causes Swollen Lymph Nodes?
The bump on the side of your neck or in your armpit—likely a swollen lymph node—could indicate anything from a common cold to
Read MoreLiving with Fall Allergies
Autumnal allergies are a very real concern for many Americans, and there is nothing quite like sneezing your way through September,
Read MoreIs Strep Throat Contagious?
Some symptoms of a strep bacteria infection (also known as acute strep pharyngitis) are similar to other upper respiratory infections.
Read MoreWhere You Carry Your Weight Can Make A Difference
Being overweight or obese has been a known risk factor for heart disease for some time, but now it’s being shown that it’s not only
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