🚧 TrustCare | Enjoy The Summer, Just Do It Safely

Enjoy The Summer, Just Do It Safely

in Injuries

Everyone gets excited about summer—after all, the idea of longer days, swimming, playing outside, and taking vacations is exciting. But what many of us don’t think about before partaking in summer activities are the risks that accompany some of our favorites. TrustCare understand these inherent risks and is ready to provide the resources to avoid them if possible, and treat them if they occur. Some of the most common health concerns that see a rise in during the summer months include asthma, swimmer’s ear, and Lyme disease.

Why More Asthma Attacks?

Those with asthma understand the need to keep asthma medications and inhalers on hand in the event of an attack. We see an increase in asthma attacks during the summer due to more smog and air pollution, higher pollen levels, and an increase in mold growth because of the higher levels of humidity. You shouldn’t eliminate outside play altogether, rather monitor the air pollution and pollen counts online at airnow.gov. If you see a spike in those levels, it’s best to find indoor activities to enjoy that day instead.

Swimming—Good Exercise, Not Always Good For Your Ears

Swimmer’s ear is one of the more common causes of ear infections and is the result of leaving contaminated water in the your ears after going swimming. There are certain preventative measures that can be taken against it, like using earplugs or bathing caps that keep water out of the ear. Additionally, it’s important to get all the water out every time you go to the pool. You can use your towel to dry out your ear, in combination with tilting your head from side to side until the water drains. If water is still there after trying those methods, a hair dryer can also be used on low heat, several inches from the ear. Certain eardrops are also available on recommendation from your doctor.

Going Outside? Don’t Forget The Bug Spray

While Lyme disease, the most common insect-borne disease in the US, can occur any time during the year, it peaks during summer months. Lyme disease is carried by ticks, which you can avoid by making sure your bug repellant contains 20% or more DEET and contains permethrin. It’s important to do a tick check after spending time outdoors. While a small tick might seem pretty harmless, Lyme disease can cause fever, headache, body aches, facial paralysis, or arthritis. It can even lead to long term joint, heart, and nerve damage.

Enjoy Your Summer, Just Be Careful

At TrustCare, we hope that everyone takes full advantage of his or her summer vacation, but also remembers to err on the side of caution. Should you encounter any of these common ailments that peak during the summer, visit a TrustCare location near you for quick and professional care.

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