🚧 TrustCare | Back To School And Back To The Doctor

Back To School And Back To The Doctor

in Wellness Checks

School is back in session, which means parents have already braved the aisles of the stores to buy pencils, markers, crayons, glue, and other school materials. While it’s easy to prepare for a lot of aspects of the back to school rush, it’s important not to ignore your health.

What Are The Most Common Ailments Amongst School Aged Kids?

Once your kids are back in school, they’re likely to bring home the common cold at least once. The cold spreads easily, especially within close quarters. Similar to the cold, the flu is also spread by direct content and respiratory droplets.

The cold and flu are common amongst both adults and school aged children, but there are some other diseases that spread easily and are well known to cause outbreaks in school settings. These include chicken pox, head lice, and pink eye.

How Can I Treat Or Prevent These Diseases?

One of the best ways to avoid getting sick once the kids head back to school is by taking some preventative measures. It’s important to stress that kids should wash their hands with warm water and soap frequently, avoid sharing food and drinks with classmates, cough or sneeze into their elbows instead of their hands, and stay home to rest when they are sick. Regular exercise, a good night’s sleep, and a healthy diet are also crucial to keeping kids healthy.

School aged children should get a well check every year at the end of the summer and ensure that they’re up to date on the CDC vaccination schedule, including the flu shot. If, even after taking all the best preventative measures against getting sick, your child still comes down with something, it’s important to address it immediately and not wait to seek treatment. Illnesses like the flu, chicken pox, lice, and pink eye are highly contagious, sometimes even before serious symptoms start to show. TrustCare can help diagnose and treat you and your family if these illnesses find their way into your home. We offer flexible hours to fit your busy schedule and can take care of your health needs almost immediately.

Visit one of our convenient locations as soon as you feel symptoms coming on and we’ll help you Feel Better Faster.

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